Hotels und Villen, die wir empfehlen

  1. Villa Athina, Stalos

    Villa Athina

    Villen in Chania, Stalos ab 125 / Nacht

  2. Villa Manolis, Asteri

    Villa Manolis

    Villen in Rethymno, Asteri ab 150 / Nacht

  3. Kori Villa, Kefalas

    Kori Villa

    Villen in Chania, Kefalas ab 140 / Nacht

  1. Didas Serenity Breeze, Kounoupidiana

    Didas Serenity Breeze

    Appartements in Chania, Kounoupidiana ab 60 / Nacht

  2. Villa Olive, Voukolies

    Villa Olive

    Villen in Chania, Voukolies ab 140 / Nacht

  3. Iakinthi Villa, Stavros

    Iakinthi Villa

    Villen in Chania, Stavros ab 221 / Nacht

  1. Elena Apartment, Chania

    Elena Apartment

    Appartements in Chania, Chania ab 145 / Nacht

  2. Villa Narciso, Chania

    Villa Narciso

    Villen in Chania, Chania ab 230 / Nacht

  3. Villa Idyllic, Maleme

    Villa Idyllic

    Villen in Chania, Maleme ab 250 / Nacht

  1. Ktima Reveli, Kalathas

    Ktima Reveli

    Villen in Chania, Kalathas ab 162 / Nacht

  2. Vrahokipos Villa, Kounoupidiana

    Vrahokipos Villa

    Villen in Chania, Kounoupidiana ab 225 / Nacht

  3. Casa di Lena, Chania

    Casa di Lena

    Appartements in Chania, Chania ab 191 / Nacht

  1. Topolia Villas, Falassarna

    Topolia Villas

    Villen in Chania, Falassarna ab 60 / Nacht

  2. Metropolis House, Chania

    Metropolis House

    Appartements in Chania, Chania ab 134 / Nacht

  3. Villas Mourne, Plakias

    Villas Mourne

    Villen in Rethymno, Plakias ab 92 / Nacht

Hotels und Villen, die wir empfehlen

  1. Villa Athina, Stalos

    Villa Athina

    Villen in Chania, Stalos ab 125 / Nacht

  1. Villa Manolis, Asteri

    Villa Manolis

    Villen in Rethymno, Asteri ab 150 / Nacht

  1. Kori Villa, Kefalas

    Kori Villa

    Villen in Chania, Kefalas ab 140 / Nacht

  1. Didas Serenity Breeze, Kounoupidiana

    Didas Serenity Breeze

    Appartements in Chania, Kounoupidiana ab 60 / Nacht

  1. Villa Olive, Voukolies

    Villa Olive

    Villen in Chania, Voukolies ab 140 / Nacht

  1. Iakinthi Villa, Stavros

    Iakinthi Villa

    Villen in Chania, Stavros ab 221 / Nacht

  1. Elena Apartment, Chania

    Elena Apartment

    Appartements in Chania, Chania ab 145 / Nacht

  1. Villa Narciso, Chania

    Villa Narciso

    Villen in Chania, Chania ab 230 / Nacht

  1. Villa Idyllic, Maleme

    Villa Idyllic

    Villen in Chania, Maleme ab 250 / Nacht

  1. Ktima Reveli, Kalathas

    Ktima Reveli

    Villen in Chania, Kalathas ab 162 / Nacht

  1. Vrahokipos Villa, Kounoupidiana

    Vrahokipos Villa

    Villen in Chania, Kounoupidiana ab 225 / Nacht

  1. Casa di Lena, Chania

    Casa di Lena

    Appartements in Chania, Chania ab 191 / Nacht

  1. Topolia Villas, Falassarna

    Topolia Villas

    Villen in Chania, Falassarna ab 60 / Nacht

  1. Metropolis House, Chania

    Metropolis House

    Appartements in Chania, Chania ab 134 / Nacht

  1. Villas Mourne, Plakias

    Villas Mourne

    Villen in Rethymno, Plakias ab 92 / Nacht

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