Mangeaf værelserne erkarakterfuldemedtraditionelle funktionersåsom stenbuer, ogtræbjælker.Alle værelserer hyggeligt indrettedeog møbleret medomhufor et behageligt ophold.
På førstesaler der tosoveværelser, etmøbleret meden dobbeltsengog det andetmed to enkeltsenge.Idet rummelige badeværelseer deren stort brusebad, og
tillige et område der indeholdervaskemaskine, dampstrygejern og strygebræt.
I stueetagenaf hvervillaer der i åbent plan en rummelig stue meden pejs(til vintermånederne) og en stenbue, et spisebordog opholdsstue, der rummer tvog dvd/ cd-afspiller.Det fuldt udstyret køkkener udstyret medetkøleskab med fryser, ovn, mikroovn, kaffemaskine og opvaskemaskine.

We guarantee that you get the lowest possible price for yourreservation through
In case you have found a lower price for the same booking conditions:
- same hotel, apartment or villa
- same room type or type of accommodation
- same check-in and check-out dates
- same meal plan
- same cancellation policy
In case we cannot match the lower price due to difference of the above terms, then you should keep your confirmed reservation through (including the cancellation policy).
To take advantage of the Best Price Guarantee please call us at +30 2821090760 or email us at and ourcustomer support representatives will be happy to assist you.
Please note that you should contact us within 24 hours after confirmingyour reservation in order to take advantage of the Best Price Guarantee.
Please note that the Best Price Guarantee is not valid if the lower price isfound because of membership cards, bonus discounts, rewards etc.